1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
Call for Papers
Hosted by the
GVU Center,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Sponsored by ACM Siggraph
The bi-annual ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics has become a traditional
forum for presenting the most innovative ideas, techniques, experiments, and
research results in interactive design, viewing, and manipulation of 3D models.
Challenges for 1999 include user effectiveness, content creation, model
complexity, animation, and internet access.
The symposium is run in a single track and offers its 250 participants ample
opportunities to experiment with the latest products and prototypes and to
interact with academic and industrial experts.
We invite manuscript submissions (8 page papers) on a variety of areas, including:
- 3D user interfaces and effective navigation paradigms for novice or expert users
- VR and augmented reality technologies and applications
- Design of 3D shapes, complex assemblies, and animations
- Image-based construction and rendering of complex 3D models
- 3D compression and multi-resolution rendering of complex scenes and animations
- Innovative 3D input and output devices
- Hardware graphic acceleration and graphics performance management techniques
- Internet-based data access and collaboration
- Interactive visual exploration of large scale geometric information systems
- Interactive applications in CAD, architecture, geosciences, medicine,
business, electronic commerce, and other areas
- Interactive 3D in entertainment and education
- 3D worlds as a new desktop and information access metaphor
Authors should email a short summary (300 words or less) of their intended
contribution to i3dg@cc.gatech.edu
before October 15, 1998, to help us organize the review process. The paper
summary should contain the title, the authors names, affiliations, and contact
email, and should answer the following questions:
- What problems are addressed, why are they important, and to whom?
- What is the nature of the proposed solutions and what are their benefits and limitations?
- What is the novel contribution and how does it improve upon the best prior art?
Six copies of the full manuscripts (length equivalent to 8 pages or less,
single spaced, ten point font) should arrive before October 29, 1998, 5 pm, at GVU,
Attn: Joan Morton, 801 Atlantic Drive, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA 30332-0280.
Accompanying video tapes where appropriate are strongly recommended.
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