Posters & Demos
Deadline Extended to February 7th.
Poster Chairs
The posters program offers a unique opportunity to showcase innovative techniques in games and other commercial products, work in progress, student projects, or non-traditional research. We encourage (but do not require) posters that can be presented with an accompanying live demo. A posters "fast forward" session will give each presenter the chance to give a brief description of their poster prior to the poster sessions. Poster sessions will provide a casual setting to allow presenters to show their work and have one-on-one dialogue with attendees and also to control the pace and level of the presentations.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field. Review criteria include contribution of the work to the game, graphics, and HCI communities, validity of the results, originality of the work, and clarity of presentation. Posters may be submitted with or without a demo. A poster/demo proposal consists of a one page extended abstract in ASCII text or PDF format. The authors are also encouraged to submit a preliminary PDF or Powerpoint version of the poster. Posters & Demos can be submitted electronicly at: i3d06poster@gmail.com
Important Dates