General Chairs
Papers Chairs
Posters Chair
Publicity Chair
Local Chair
International Paper Committee
- Ulf Assarsson, Chalmers University of Technology
- Norman Badler, University of Pennsylvania
- Laurent Belcour, Unity Research
- Ari Rapkin Blenkhorn, Leidos
- Tamy Boubekeur, Telecom ParisTech
- Dan Calian, University College London
- Petrik Clarberg, NVIDIA
- Michael Doggett, Lund University
- Jonathan Dupuy, Unity Research
- Elmar Eisemann, Delft University of Technology
- Tim Foley, NVIDIA
- Eric Haines, NVIDIA
- Eric Heitz, Unity Technologies
- Anton Kaplanyan, Oculus Research
- John Keyser, Texas A & M University
- Paul Lalonde, Google
- Douglas Lanman, Facebook
- David McAllister
- Bochang Moon, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Matthias Niessner, Technical University of Munich
- Aline Normoyle, University of Pennsylvania
- Romain Pacanowski, CNRS
- Anjul Patney, NVIDIA
- Sumanta Pattanaik, University of Central Florida
- Nuria Pelechano, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Tobias Ritschel, MPI Informatik
- Marco Salvi, NVIDIA
- Pedro Sander, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Ari Shapiro, University of Southern California
- Tamar Shinar, University of California Riverside
- Erik Sintorn, Chalmers University of Technology
- Michael Stengel, NVIDIA
- Kartic Subr, University of Edinburgh
- Qi Sun, Adobe Research
- Ingo Wald, NVIDIA
- Huamin Wang, The Ohio State University
- Sung-Eui Yoon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Cem Yuksel, University of Utah
- Shuang Zhao, University of California Irvine
- Kun Zhou, Zhejiang University