Student Stipend Program
The deadline for this program is closed!
Download the Student Stipend Program information as PDF file here.
This year we are offering a Student Stipend Program for sponsoring students to attend I3D 2008.
The program, financed by our generous corporate sponsors and by the ACM, is open to students
worldwide (at the undergraduate or graduate level, or equivalent) who have not previously attended
I3D. The awarded stipend per individual will not exceed $1000 US dollars and may go to reimburse
travel, meal, and hotel. Free student registration to the conference and most meals are included with
the stipend. Stipends will not be given to students who are the author or co-author of accepted papers
or posters. The size of the requested stipend will not affect your chance of being selected. If there are
more qualified applicants than stipends available, the committee will select with a subset of awards
reserved for women and undergraduates.
To apply for the stipend, please send an application packet to i3dstipend@gmail.com by no later
than Friday December 21st, 11:59PM EST, 2007. The applications will be reviewed by committee
and the recipients of the stipends will be notified via email on Monday January 7th, 2008. Your
application packet should be a single PDF file (e.g., print using PDFCreator:
http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator) containing the following three parts:
- Cover page: on a one-page cover sheet, please include:
- Contact information: your name, mailing address, and an email address.
- Faculty contact: please include the name and email address of your advisor or a
professor who supports your application to the Student Stipend Program.
- Resume: please include an up-to-date resume or CV.
- Budget: please estimate your expenses, itemized into categories including travel, meals, and
hotel. Students must document all expenses with receipts as they are actually incurred. Details
about the budget:
- Travel: indicate your total travel estimate (e.g., airline ticket, to/from airport
transportation – note that Sofitel provides this transportation for free from SFO)
- Hotel: if you do not live in the area you may stay in the conference hotel (Sofitel
San Francisco Bay) or a hotel of your choosing. Budget $80/night for Sofitel and we
will then match you with a (same gender) roommate.
- Meals: indicate your meal expenses -- please note that I3D provides all meals except
lunch on Friday Feb 15th and breakfast on Saturday Feb 16th and Sunday Feb 17th.
If you have further questions regarding the I3D Student Stipend Program, please send an email to
i3dstipend@gmail.com before the deadline.
Important Dates