Past Conferences
I3D 2010 - Bethesda, Washington DC
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I3D 2009 - Boston, Massachusetts
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I3D 2008 - Redwood City, California
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[ paper archive ]
I3D 2007 - Seattle, Washington
[ website ]
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[ paper archive ]
I3D 2006 - Redwood City, California
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[ paper archive ]
I3D 2005 - Washington, District of Columbia
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[ paper archive ]
I3D 2003 - Monterey, California
[ website ]
[ papers ]
[ paper archive ]
I3D 2001 - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
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[ papers ]
I3D 1999 - Atlanta, Georgia
[ website ]
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I3D 1997 - Providence, Rhode Island
[ website ]
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I3D 1995 - Monterey, California
[ papers ]
I3D 1992 - Cambridge, Massachusetts
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I3D 1990 - Snowbird, Utah
[ papers ]
I3D 1986 - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
[ papers ]
Important Dates
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