Each category is listed in alphabetical
General Chairs
Marc Olano
<olano (at) umbc.edu>
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Miguel A. Otaduy
<miguel.otaduy (at) urjc.es>
URJC Madrid
Posters Chair
Kartic Subr
<kartic (at) gmail.com>
University College London
Publicity Chair
Wesley Griffin
<wesley.griffin (at) nist.gov>
National Institute of Standards and Technology
International Paper Committee
- Gladimir Baranoski
- Michael Brown
- Jinxiang Chai
- Sharat Chandran
- Chun-Fa Chang
- Barbara Cutler
- Stephen DiVerdi
- Zhao Dong
- Elmar Eisemann
- Kayvon Fatahalian
- Hongbo Fu
- Enrico Gobbetti
- Naga Govindaraju
- Toshiya Hachisuka
- Eric Haines
- John Hart
- Ying He
- Wojciech Jarosz
- Ken Joy
- Ladislav Kavan
- Daniel Keefe
- Theodore Kim
- Young J. Kim
- Leif Kobbelt
- Vladlen Koltun
- Jaroslav Krivanek
- Subodh Kumar
- Seungyong Lee
- Sylvain Lefebvre
- Charles Loop
- Joern Loviscach
- Dinesh Manocha
- Nelson Max
- Michael McCool
- Morgan McGuire
- P J Narayanan
- Diego Nehab
- Marc Olano
- Manuel M. Oliveira
- Miguel Otaduy
- Renato Pajarola
- Sumanta Pattanaik
- Fabio Pellacini
- Jorg Peters
- Matt Pharr
- Voicu Popescu
- Jarek Rossignac
- Pedro Sander
- Pradeep Sen
- Han-Wei Shen
- Peter Shirley
- Claudio Silva
- Peter-Pike Sloan
- Olga Sorkine
- Marc Stamminger
- Min Tang
- Ingo Wald
- Huamin Wang
- Ben Watson
- Li-Yi Wei
- Tien-Tsin Wong
- Peter Wonka
- Chris Wyman
- Ruigang Yang
- Jingyi Yu
- Kun Zhou
- Victor Zordan
- Matthias Zwicker
Important Dates
Submission Website
Registration Site
- Mar 12, 2013 - The Student Stipend information is now available.
- Mar 12, 2013 - Banquet speaker is now available on the Invited Speakes page.
- Feb 23, 2013 - Keynote speakers are now listed on the Invited Speakers page.
- Feb 13, 2013 - The Game Industry Panel information is available.
- Jan 29, 2013 - The keynote speaker is Naty Hoffman, Vice President of Technology, 2K Games.
- Jan 25, 2013 - The academic keynote speaker is Ken Perlin, Professor at NYU, Media Research Lab.
- Jan 21, 2013 - The registation information is available.
- Jan 9, 2013 - The schedule is available.
- Jan 3, 2013 - The list of accepted papers is available.
- The poster submission information is available.
- The Call For Participation is available.
- The 2013 website is live.
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