I3D is glad to announce that it will sponsor up to 20 students attending the
conference with $350 each! This is sufficient to cover the student registration
and part of the travel costs. The program is open to students worldwide (at the
undergraduate or graduate level, or equivalent).
To apply for a stipend, please send an application to conference co-chair
Miguel Otaduy <maotaduy (at) gmail.com> by Tuesday March 19 at 22:00 GMT. The
application should contain a single PDF file with the following
- Contact information: your name, mailing address, and an email
- Faculty contact: please include the name and email address of your
advisor or a professor who supports your application to the Student Stipend
- Resume: please include an up-to-date resume or CV.
- Role of participation at I3D 2013 (author/coauthor of paper/poster,
attendee, etc.).
I3D will sponsor only students registered and attending the conference.
Sponsorships will be granted first to authors/coauthors of papers, then to
authors/coauthors of posters, then to regular attendees. If you have further
questions, please send email to Miguel Otaduy <maotaduy (at)
gmail.com> before the deadline.
Important Dates
Submission Website
Registration Site
- Mar 12, 2013 - The Student Stipend information is now available.
- Mar 12, 2013 - Banquet speaker is now available on the Invited Speakes page.
- Feb 23, 2013 - Keynote speakers are now listed on the Invited Speakers page.
- Feb 13, 2013 - The Game Industry Panel information is available.
- Jan 29, 2013 - The keynote speaker is Naty Hoffman, Vice President of Technology, 2K Games.
- Jan 25, 2013 - The academic keynote speaker is Ken Perlin, Professor at NYU, Media Research Lab.
- Jan 21, 2013 - The registation information is available.
- Jan 9, 2013 - The schedule is available.
- Jan 3, 2013 - The list of accepted papers is available.
- The poster submission information is available.
- The Call For Participation is available.
- The 2013 website is live.
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