Below is a list of the accepted papers to be presented at ACM I3D 2013.
Animation and Simulation
ADAPT: The Agent Development and Prototyping Testbed
Alexander Shoulson,
Nathan Marshak,
Mubbasir Kapadia,
Norman I. Badler
Efficient Motion Retrieval in Large Motion Databases
Mubbasir Kapadia,
I-kao Chiang,
Tiju Thomas,
Norman I. Badler,
Joseph T. Kider Jr.
- Hybrid Long-Range Collision Avoidance for Crowd Simulation
Abhinav Golas,
Rahul Narain,
Ming Lin
Geometry Representation
- A Subdivision-Based Representation for Vector Image Editing
(TVCG paper presentation)
Zicheng Liao,
Hugues Hoppe,
David Forsyth,
Yizhou Yu
- Interactive Mesostructures
Scott Nykl,
Chad Mourning,
David Chelberg
- Flip-Flop: Convex Hull Construction via Star-Shaped Polyhedron in 3D
Mingcen Gao,
Thanh-Tung Cao,
Tiow-Seng Tan,
Zhiyong Huang
Global Illumination - Representation and Rendering
- Rational BRDF
(TVCG paper presentation)
Romain Pacanowski,
Oliver Salazar Celis,
Christophe Schlick,
Xavier Granier,
Pierre Poulin,
Annie Cuyt
- Fast Global Illumination for Interactive Volume Visualization
Yubo Zhang,
Kwan-Liu Ma
- A Practical Analytic Model for the Radiosity of Translucent Scenes
Yu Sheng,
Yulong Shi,
Lili Wang,
Srinivasa Narasimhan
- Efficient Concurrent Radiance Estimation for Photon Mapping
Michael Mara,
David Luebke,
Morgan McGuire
Occlusion and Depths
- Multi-view Ambient Occlusion with Importance Sampling
Konstantinos Vardis,
Georgios Papaioannou,
Athanasios Gaitatzes
- A Physically Plausible Algorithm for Rendering Depth of Field Using Few Samples per Pixel
Kefei Lei,
John F. Hughes
- Depth-fighting Aware Methods for Multi-fragment Rendering
(TVCG paper presentation)
Andreas Vasilakis,
Ioannis Fudos
Shadows, Transparency, and Lights
- Fast Percentage Closer Soft Shadows using Temporal Coherence
Michael Schwarzler,
Christian Luksch,
Daniel Scherzer,
Michael Wimmer
- Fast Light-Map Computation with Virtual Polygon Lights
Christian Luksch,
Robert F. Tobler,
Michael Schwarzler,
Ralf Habel,
Michael Wimmer
- Efficient Shading of Indirect Illumination Applying Reflective Shadow Maps
Philipp Lensing,
Wolfgang Broll
- Hybrid Transparency
Marilena Maule,
Joao Comba,
Rafael Torchelsen,
Rui Bastos
- Filtering Color Mapped Textures and Surfaces
Eric Heitz,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai,
Pierre Poulin,
Fabrice Neyret
- FasTC: Accelerated Fixed-Rate Texture Encoding
Pavel Krajcevski,
Adam T. Lake,
Dinesh Manocha
- Simple and Efficient Example-based Texture Synthesis Using Tiling and Deformation
Kan Chen,
Henry Johan,
Wolfgang Mueller-Wittig
Painting, Brushing, and Editing
- Texture brush: an interactive surface texturing interface
Qian Sun,
Long Zhang,
Minqi Zhang,
Xiang Ying,
Shi-Qing Xin,
Jiazhi Xia,
Ying He
- Volume Stylizer: Tomography-based Volume Painting
Oliver Klehm,
Ivo Ihrke,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Elmar Eisemann
- WYSIWYG Stereo Painting
Yongjin Kim,
Holger Winnemoller,
Seungyong Lee
Important Dates
Submission Website
Registration Site
- Mar 12, 2013 - The Student Stipend information is now available.
- Mar 12, 2013 - Banquet speaker is now available on the Invited Speakes page.
- Feb 23, 2013 - Keynote speakers are now listed on the Invited Speakers page.
- Feb 13, 2013 - The Game Industry Panel information is available.
- Jan 29, 2013 - The keynote speaker is Naty Hoffman, Vice President of Technology, 2K Games.
- Jan 25, 2013 - The academic keynote speaker is Ken Perlin, Professor at NYU, Media Research Lab.
- Jan 21, 2013 - The registation information is available.
- Jan 9, 2013 - The schedule is available.
- Jan 3, 2013 - The list of accepted papers is available.
- The poster submission information is available.
- The Call For Participation is available.
- The 2013 website is live.
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